
Rwandan President stresses importance of African and Caribbean nations partnering to advance common Commonwealth positions

by April 14th, 2022

Rwandan President Paul Kagame has stressed the importance of African and Caribbean nations, working together to advance common positions, in the Commonwealth, and other organisations.

The president made the comment while addressing todays (April 14) Joint sitting of the Houses of Parliament.

President Kagame is on a 3 day visit to Jamaica.

He thanked Jamaica for its support.

He noted that the interests of Africa and the Caribbean often align.

The timing of Mr. Kagame’s visit had initially raised concern, because there is disquiet among some Caribbean Community (CARICOM) countries about the post of secretary general of the Commonwealth.

The President is the incoming Chairman for the Commonwealth Conference 2022 / 2024, and will be heading the meeting to elect the next Secretary General, in Rwanda, in June.

Jamaicas Foreign Affairs Minister Kamina Johnson Smith is challenging the incumbent Baroness Patricia Scotland, who is seeking a second term.

Prime Minister Andrew Holness had stated that president Kagame’s visit was not related to the Mrs. Johnson Smith’s nomination.

Meantime, Prime Minister Andrew Holness has described the republic of Rwanda as a powerhouse of socio-economic development and advancement, adding that there is much that Jamaica can learn from the African nation.

Mr. Holness noted that both countries have enjoyed a mutually beneficial partnership over the years, and much has been accomplished, especially in international bodies in which both countries have membership.

He said the cooperation impacts several sectors, including technology and culture.

He said Rwanda, under President Kagame‘s leadership is an ideal model.

And Opposition Leader Mark Golding has hailed Rwanda for being a beacon of pride in Africa.

Mr. Golding praised President Kagames effective leadership, which serves as inspiration.

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