
Senate passes bill to change retirement age for DPP and AG despite objection from Opposition senators

by July 28th, 2023

The bill to amend the constitution, to raise the age of retirement for holders of the Offices of the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) and the Auditor General from 60 to 65 years, was passed in the Senate today (July 28), despite a lack of support from Opposition senators.


The Constitution Act 2023 to facilitate the change had been approved in the Lower House on Tuesday. 


Speaking on the matter in the Upper House today, Opposition Senator Lambert Brown said the government should allow for the proper procedural course for the passing of the bill, as it was done unconstitutionally.


He said the House should allow for more discussion on the bill and await the decision of the Supreme Court on the matter.


In response, Government Senator Matthew Samuda defended the bill, saying it is necessary to address inconsistencies in legislation, regarding the age of retirement for civil servants. 


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