
Take Advantage Of Devaluing Dollar

by May 24th, 2015

Commerce Minister, Anthony Hylton says business people are not taking advantage of devaluation of the Jamaican dollar, which provides opportunities for exporters.

According to Mr Hylton, while it is reasonable to complain about the negative effects of the devalued dollar against its major trading currencies, the devaluation process, which forms part of the agreement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF), is an incentive for export to grow.

He says that devaluation process assumes that the country is focussed on exports, but this is not the case, as the country is not taking advantage of the benefits of that devaluation.

The Commerce Minister states that the devaluation incentivises exports.”



He made the comments while addressing the Jamaica Business Development Corporation’s (JBDC), Small Business Expo held recently, at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel in New Kingston.

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