
Telecoms Sector Growing

by September 26th, 2015

Technology Minister, Phillip Paulwell says in the wake of number portability in Jamaica, several other telecommunications service providers are expressing an interest to set up operations in the country.

Technology Minister, Phillip Paulwell

Technology Minister, Phillip Paulwell


The Minister did not indicate who these providers are, or give a timeline for their introduction to Jamaica.

Number portability allows people to change their service providers but keep the same telephone number.

Mr Paulwell says new players who enter the market will however not be allowed to erect cell towers across the island.

This as existing cell towers have posed challenges to residents in several communities in which they are set up.

He says the current service providers, who already have cell towers will be able to share the towers, at a cost, to the new providers.


The Minister says the telecoms market would be seeing further expansion, as recently, an internet terminal facility was established in Jamaica, which has enabled the lowering of internet rates and growth of competition.



Mr Paulwell says the growth and expansion of telecoms in the country, means more jobs for Jamaicans, as well as opportunities for entities to offer training.

The Minister is urging investors to look at various aspects of the telecoms sector where opportunities are opening up, and take advantage of them.

He was addressing a Small Business Association of Jamaica forum in Kingston this week.

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