
Testing for entertainment zones underway

by July 3rd, 2015

The Ministry of Entertainment is ramping-up efforts to establish entertainment zones island-wide.

This, as it seeks to address the issue of noise disturbances in and around residential areas.

The ministry says experts will conduct sound level tests in key locations in downtown, Kingston, to guide the development of the first in a series of entertainment zones.

State Minister for Entertainment, Damion Crawford says this forms part of an overall initiative to tackle the issue of night noises.

He says his ministry is working along with partner ministries and agencies such as the ministry of local government, the Urban Development Corporation and the Kingston and St. Andrew Corporation, to establish these entertainment zones.

The pilot project, if successful, it will be replicated in key locations across the island.

According to Mr Crawford, the tests will be conducted from 8:00 this evening to 12 midnight in six parking lots and open spaces in downtown Kingston, which have been identified as potential entertainment zones.

The venues include the Pechon Street parking lot; lot 20 located along the Kingston Waterfront, the bus terminus located on Darling Street, and the Water Lane Transportation Centre.

Residents of communities in the area will be given the opportunity to contact ministry representatives, to report noise disturbances caused during the exercise.

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