
Tommy Lee Sparta Is A Free Man

by May 29th, 2018

Embattled dancehall entertainer Tommy Lee Sparta was today granted immediate release from police lockup.

Tommy Lee Sparta given name, Leroy Russell appeared before the parish judge Sandria Wong Small on Tuesday morning at the St. James Parish Court, a hearing in which the judge declared Tommy Lee was detained improperly and ordered his immediate release.

The order was made after a Habeas Corpus application was filed by Tommy Lee’s attorneys Tom Tavares Finson and Donahue Martin last Tuesday in court, with the court giving the police an entire week to indicate the basis for the arrest of the entertainer.

Tommy Lee Sparta who the police say is wanted in connection to organized crimes in Montego Bay, spent the last 10 days in police custody, for detention under the current state of public emergency in Montego Bay St. James.

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