
Two St Ann Killings

by September 11th, 2015

Two men were shot and killed in the Claremont police area in St Ann.

The identities of the men have not been ascertained by the police.

Head of the St Ann Police, Superintendent Wayne Cameron says the first body was found about 9:25 last evening along Fowl Farm Main Road in Claremont, while the other body was found this morning at Crescent Park in Golden Grove a few miles away.

Superintendent Wayne Cameron

Superintendent Wayne Cameron

The police are still at the latter location.

Both bodies had multiple gunshot wounds.

Superintendent Cameron is asking residents who have information to contact the police.

He told IRIE FM News about the first incident.


Superintendent Cameron says there is no motive at this time, but the police believe the two men were taken to the locations and shot.


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