
Usain Bolt’s Insane Hot Sauces hit Australia

by March 17th, 2018

Usain Bolt is looking to revolutionize the food industry by bringing Caribbean flavors to Australia with his Usain’s Insane Hot Sauces.

The eight-time Olympic gold medalist decided to do more than just get a sponsorship deal with a brand that is already established and instead made the move to get in contact with chilli farmers to create his own product.

Usain’s Insane Hot Sauces come in three flavors and they are inspired by a Bolt family recipe, according to The Grocery Greek. The sauce flavors are original Jamaican spice, mango and three chilli and pineapple and Jamaican spice.

According to News Mail, Bolt reached out to the farmers at Austchilli late last year in collaboration with Australian supermarket chain Coles to get chilli purees for his sauce.


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