
Video of teen boy who reportedly committed suicide goes viral

by November 18th, 2017

Social media users have reacted with shock and disappointment at a viral video, which depicts a teenaged boy explaining why he took his own life.

The child in the video has been identified as 13 year old Davion Johnson, of Grange Hill, Westmoreland. He was a student of the Belmont high school.

Johnson was found dead at the home of his mother and step father, in St.Mary on Sunday November 12.

In the video, the young boy says he was  bullied by students at school.

Meantime, the Child Development Agency (CDA) says it is liaising with the St. Mary police, and gathering information about the teenaged boy who recently committed suicide.

CEO of the agency Rosalee Gage Grey says she is aware of the video being circulated.

She says while she cannot provide details of the St. Mary incident at this time, the matter is of concern.

The CDA recently conducted a study on bullying, which Mrs. Gage Grey describes as a serious problem.

She says the CDA will be carrying out an educational campaign on bullying in schools, homes and communities islandwide.

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