
World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) keeps the pressure on Russia

by November 11th, 2017

Russia’s refusal to accept responsibility for widespread state-sponsored Doping uncovered in the McLaren report could prevent its competitors from taking part in the 2018 winter Olympics. 

That’s the word from the Director General of the World Anti-Doping Agency Olivier Niggli.

One of the 19 conditions that WADA has laid out in a ‘road-map to compliance’ requires the authorities responsible for Russia’s Anti-Doping program, including the ministry of sport and National Olympic Committee, to publicly accept the findings of the McLaren investigation.

The report by Canadian lawyer Richard McLaren found that more than 1,000 Russian competitors in more than 30 sports were involved in a conspiracy to conceal positive drug tests over a period of five years.

WADA, which said yesterday that it had obtained a database of Russian drug testing that confirms the allegations made in the Mclaren report, and will present its findings to the IOC before the December 5-7 executive board meeting when it is expected to decide Russia’s fate for February’s Winter Games.

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